Tuesday, November 29, 2011

My children are missing!

I just wanted to make public that my children are missing.  My ex-wife Adriana Urzua Grajeda kidnapped them on April 2, 2010.  My children's names are Adrian, Irene and Gabriel Ortiz.  All three were born in El Paso, TX on March 29, 2000 (Adrian), August 12, 2001 (Irene) and August 9, 2002 (Gabriel) from mexican parents Elizac Ortiz Terrazas and Adriana Belen Urzua Grajeda.
Adriana had been contacting the children from before and I had never prevented her from doing so.  I even set up my laptop so they could see her and talk to her at the same time.  They didn't seem to be too interested in talking to her, except Irene; she's the one that was happy to talk to her, but Adrian used to try to avoid talking to her to have more time to play video games and Gabriel seemed to be too shy or too interested in something else to talk to his mother.
I always gave them trouble for not wanting to talk to their mom on the computer.  Back then, I had trouble finding someone to watch them for me while I was at work, but I managed from day to day somehow, like any single parent would do.  And just in case you ask, no, I didn't have enough money to pay daycare, the house payment and the rest of the expenses did not leave enough money to pay $150 a week for their daycare, which is cheap.
After Adrian's birthday, Adriana said she would come to El Paso to see them, no problem there.  We agreed to see each other at the Burger King of the intersection of Paisano and El Paso St downtown El Paso Texas.
We met, she was almost in tears and I thought she was in tears for seeing the children again after for the longest time my mom wouldn't allow any kind of contact with their mother, which at the time I thought was not healthy for the kids.
She gave me a hug and she hugged and kissed the children, she seemed excited.  I was grabbing my laptop bag to go with them and she immediately refused.  She said things like "I don't want to fight" or "I want to have some privacy with my children"  So I was naive enough to allow her to be by herself with the kids.
I called a friend to see if I could go spend a couple hours at their home while my ex had some time with the kids; the couple were not available so I just wandered around downtown waiting for the two hours she said she'd take to see the children to go by.
Two hours were due: She didn't show up.  She was supposed to show up at around 8:00PM, it was already 11:00PM, NOTHING!!  I called her at some cell phone number she gave me: No answer, I texted her: No answer.
I called the cops and they said they couldn't enforce the custody papers I have for the children because it was not issued by a Texas judge and because it didn't have specific days and times of visitation, so they just issued an informative report instead of reporting it as a felony.
At the time, my mother had just gotten married and I didn't want to spoil her honeymoon, which is why I didn't make too many waves at the time.  Later on I went and told her personally, but that's besides the point.
Just recently, she wrote to my facebook account by an e-mail giving me just a number saying that I could deposit money at that number from any US bank.  To which I responded: "Who is this?  If you're referring to my children, are they ok?"  She insisted on requesting only money to that account.
I asked for an address and phone number to talk to my children, to which she refused saying that if I don't send money to that account, I would NOT talk to them or know where they are.
How do I know she didn't sell their organs? How do I know they're ok? How can I trust someone who tells me that wants to see the kids and will return them in two hours and just takes off with them?
History says that when she had custody of the kids and I was out of a job, which meant that I couldn't afford to send her any child support at the time, she was able to find the phone number in Las Cruces of the girl I was dating back then to ask for money, but after four years she was not abe to pick up the phone and call my sister to see if the children were ok or if she could send them anything or try to get in touch wih them?  She called all the family members she know of mine when I wasn't able to pay child support; and she was very good at getting a hold of me, but after four years of her not seeing her children, she was not able to call anybody from my family or friends to ask for her children.
Now of course, I'm not surprised she's asking for money.  She seems to be interested only in that.  I shouldn't be surprised because I know her, but I wanted to believe that everybody is inherently good but now this experience has told me that there are people who are willing to sacrifice their children, take them away from their father and their home, from the USA into Mexico, knowing very well how the drug wars are going on with complete disregard for their emotional health or well-being and all that sacrifice of theirs just for money.
If anyone has seen my children (http://photobucket.com/theortizkids1958) or Adriana Belen Urzua Grajeda (in the first picture, the only adult of course) please don't hesitate to contact me because I want to see my children again and I hope they're not adults by the time I see them again.
Thank you everyone for your help,
Zac Ortiz